Rick Rarick, manager at Matthew 25 Farm, speaks at Grace Church on March 19, 2017
Matthew 25 Farm is a not-for-profit, volunteer based organization that grows produce and gives it to the needy in CNY. Clients in our food pantry benefit from the hard work and generosity of Elizabeth Esmark, administrator, Rick Rarick, manager and volunteers from around CNY who support the mission and ministry of the farm.
If you are in need of a Lenten discipline which will engage you beyond the Lenten season, a commitment to the good work of Matthew 25 Farm may be just for you!
Matthew 25 Farm 2017 Growing Season

Members of Grace Church working at Matthew 25 Farm in 2016
Matthew 25 Farm officially opens on Monday, May 1st. However, the eagerly awaited first volunteer opportunity is scheduled for Saturday, April 15th beginning at 10:00 am at the Tully Farm. Volunteers will be helping to plant apple trees, raspberry bushes, building a trellis and putting wood chips around all the trees. Sign-up in the parish hall, dig out your muck boots and plan to join us as we help in a small way to make a big difference in our community.
There are a lot of new and exciting things happening at Matthew 25:
* A new internship program with Syracuse University;
* A new fundraising committee — Matthew 25 is looking for committee members. Would you consider being a member?
* A new “adopt/sponsor a crop” or “adopt/sponsor the hoop house” program;
* A new “create a basket” fundraising program—to help with much needed fundraising, individuals/groups may commit to putting together a basket that will be raffled off later in the year.
The good people at Matthew 25 Farm are grateful for your prayers and looking forward to spring and seeing YOU on the farm!