Back in May the following was added to the back of our worship bulletin: Ministers – All the people. This change was made to make it clear who is responsible for the work of ministry: all of the people. Did you know that there are not supposed to be any bystanders here at Grace, only ministers? As baptized Christians, we are all are called to step into the work of ministry. Perhaps you nd yourself wondering: What exactly is that work?
Well, in addition to participating in ministries which reach outside our doors – our Wednesday Supper Ministry, our Food Pantry Ministry, and The Grace Project, to suggest a few; you are also invited to participate in ministries inside our doors!
Below, just for starters, are a few of the ways in which you may wish to offer your gifts to enliven our Sunday morning liturgy. Please take some time in prayer and thoughtfully consider which ministry you hear God calling you to participate in:
Acolyte / Server
The word Acolyte is taken from an ancient Greek word meaning companion, a endant, or helper. In some churches, acolytes are called servers. Acolytes work closely with Rev. Johanna to help create beautiful worship so that everybody in our church has a meaningful worship experience. (They also get the best seats in the church!) Both children and adults are invited to serve as acolytes.
Serving as an acolyte is a wonderful way to learn about why we do the things we do during our service. You will find that the most difficult thing about being an acolyte is showing up on time so that you are present in the sacristy by 9:15 am on Sunday mornings!
There will be an acolyte gathering held in the church to refresh memories and train new acolytes on Sunday, September 10th following our 9:30 am service. Hope to see you!
Lector / Lay Leader
A Lector/Lay Reader is a baptized member of the church, also known as a ‘lay person,’ who is trained to read scripture. A lector/lay reader is appointed by the clergy person in charge of the congregation to read lessons or lead the prayers of the people. The term ‘lector’ comes from the Latin, to read. This ministry requires very little training and occurs during our Sunday worship service!
All current Lectors/Lay Readers, and those interested in serving as a Lector/Lay Reader, are invited to attend a short refresher course and training on Sunday, September 17th following our 9:30 am service.
Lay Eucharistic Ministry
Lay Eucharistic Ministers may also be licensed to go from a Sunday Eucharist or other principal celebrations of the Eucharist as Lay Eucharistic Visitors to share the sacrament with members of the congregation who were unable to be present at the celebration because of illness or infirmity.
Individuals may be licensed for either or both ministries.
If you are currently serving as a Lay Eucharistic Minister, Lay Eucharistic Visitor, or both(!), please mark your calendars and plan to a end a meeting on Sunday, September 24th following our 9:30 am worship service.
In the event that you are unavailable to a end the meeting on the 24th, please speak with Rev. Johanna as all Lay Eucharistic Ministers/Visitors are required to have their license renewed in order to continue in this important ministry.